Road Trip VBS is based on Joshua 1:9 “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
This verse reminds us that God’s presence is always near, no matter where the journey of life takes us. Road Trip VBS invites us on an exciting journey as we discover new places, new friends, and ways that we can discover God’s goodness and presence everywhere.
Travelers will join Scout, an energetic and curious pup, and the Navigator as they go through twists, turns, and more as they travel. WIth the help of great stories from the Navigator’s Guide (the Bible), Travelers will explore timeless Bible stories, as well as enjoy crafts, music, snacks, and more! Join us for all of the excitment out on the open road!
June 16-20, 2025  |  9-11:30am daily
at Arthur Mennonite Church
All K – 8th graders are invited to attend
*grade is based on what grade each child will ENTER IN FALL 2025 
*children must be born on or before Sept. 1, 2020 to be eligible to attend 
There is no fee to attend VBS.

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The mission of Arthur Community Vacation Bible School is to bring God’s Word to the children and members of our community. By using fun, work, and play, based on a strong foundation in scripture, we aim to teach others about Jesus while building a sense of community in Christ.